Taller online gratuito


Pscicóloga, experta en gestión emocional y Mindfulness

carolina iribernagari

Terapeuta integral, especializada en gestión y desarrollo emocional

En este taller gratuito: 

Miriam Martín (Psicóloga) y Carolina Iribernagary (terapeuta alternativa) estarán compartiendo contigo, pautas, recursos y herramientas no solo para que puedas comprender tu ansiedad sino también eliminarla de raíz

Elimina tu ansiedad de raíz 

Here you tell them what your part of the job is before hopping on the call (eg. looking at their website, analyzing their brand, checking their social media engagement, …)

What Happens During the Call

What’s going to happen during the call? What are the benefits your future clients will get?

What Changes After the Call

Tell them what they will get away with or what will happen after the call. Ideally you want to have a clear tangible result after having the call

About [Your Name]

In this section, you want to show your expertise. Tell them why you’re good at what you’re doing and tell them some more about your style and your way of working.

Why They Recommend Having a Free Consultation Call

Here you’ll show more social proof. At the end of each call (or shortly after) ask what they thought about the call and if you can quote them.Try to answer common objections such as wasting time, getting forced to buy, …

martha Jones


Copy and paste a testimonial here from one of your former clients about how helpful the strategy call was (remember you're trying to sell the free call, not your services yet!)

Shawn parker


Copy and paste a testimonial here from one of your former clients about how helpful the strategy call was (remember you're trying to sell the free call, not your services yet!)

Jessica Sanders


Copy and paste a testimonial here from one of your former clients about how helpful the strategy call was (remember you're trying to sell the free call, not your services yet!)

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Improve [Your Service]!

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